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Weight Management Program
Program Details (Back to Programs)

Are you having difficulty managing your body weight?  

Maintaining your weight goals can be challenging and frustrating. 

What to Expect

Our weight management program is offered as a webinar and was created by dietitians. You can watch this webinar from the comfort of your home or during your lunch break at work.  

We understand that it is difficult for weight management to be realistic and sustainable. This webinar will discuss some important and simple tips that will help you manage your body weight and improve your health with lifestyle changes. The information in this webinar provides the foundation for starting healthy habits and helps you build a new approach to eating.   

By viewing the weight management webinar, you will learn: 

  • What to eat 
  • How to eat it  
  • Small strategies to improve your health & manage your weight 

Ask your doctor or other health care provider to refer you to the dietitian if you'd like follow up after completing the Weight Management WebinarIn-person, phone or virtual appointments are available for follow-up. 

How do I Register for the Weight Management Program?

  • You must be a Toronto Western Family Health Team patient to register for this program
  • Speak to your primary health care provider

If you are a patient of the TW FHT and interested in this program click here to sign-up

Additional Resources